Welcome to this comprehensive course on the JavaScript programming language.

This tutorial covers all the basic and useful features of JavaScript. The main objective of this tutorial is to make you autonomous developers so that you can solve by yourself the majority of the problems related to JavaScript and that you are able to finish more or less complex projects.

The idea behind this course is not simply to present you the different notions related to JavaScript one by one but to make sure that you understand them and that you know when and how to use each of them in the future.

For this, the course is progressive in its difficulty within each part and between parts: we will start by defining the basic notions of JavaScript with variables, functions and other control structures like loops and conditions and will progressively go towards more complex and structured concepts with object-oriented programming and the use of APIs (Programming Interfaces) for example.

This progressiveness makes the course open and accessible to everyone: whether you already have a basic knowledge of JavaScript or not, you’re bound to find something to learn.